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A Date with Cleopatra

In literature, art, and screen entertainment, one woman in history has inspired creators probably more than any other. That woman was Cleopatra, Queen of the Kingdom of Egypt.

To find out how she’s been portrayed over the centuries, The Arts Society of Mallorca has invited expert Lucy Hughes-Hallett to Mallorca to give a talk entitled ‘Cleopatra – Images of a Dream Woman’, on Tuesday, March 12th at 19:30 h.


Lucy will show images ranging from Roman portrait busts, medieval illuminations, and works by Renaissance masters such as Michelangelo, Tiepolo, and Gustav Moreau, to 20th-century film stars who have portrayed the exotic queen.


Lucy Hughes-Hallett worked for five years as a feature writer for Vogue magazine after winning the Vogue Talent Contest prize. In 2021 she was the chair of the International Booker Prize judging panel. Lucy is a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and an Honorary Fellow of the Historical Association.


As usual, the talk is at the 4-star Artmadams Hotel in Palma, which itself is home to a collection of interesting art. After the talk, enjoy a tapas and drinks gathering with other arts enthusiasts.


Non-members can attend for 20 € payable upon entry or register in advance by emailing