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Discover some of Mallorca’s Aljubs

Underground cisterns for water storage may not sound as though they’d be of tourist interest, but Mallorca has several of these facilities – known locally as ‘aljubs’ (‘aljibes’ in castellano) – that are worth a visit.

‘Aljubs’ have been used to collect and store rainwater in Mallorca for centuries and many still exist on rural estates known as ‘possessiós’, in old monasteries, and villages on the island.


One of the most-visited ‘aljubs’ in recent months has been the one at La Misericordia cultural centre in Palma. This now beautifully illuminated water storage facility first opened to the public on the Nit de l’Art in September 2023 and has attracted huge numbers of visitors.


With columns and vaulted ceilings – and water still stored there – this remarkable space of 265 square metres was discovered 20 years ago underneath the Pati de les Dones. You can visit during the morning and afternoon open periods.


The Es Baluard contemporary art museum also has an old ‘aljub’ dating back to medieval times, which used to supply water to the local area and the boats coming into Palma. In the early 21st century it was converted into an additional exhibition space.


In the north of Mallorca, at the Museo Sa Bassa Blanca (Fundació Yannick y Ben Jakober), a former cistern has been converted into an underground space for the permanent art exhibition known as ‘Nins’ – portraits of children from European royal and noble families dating from the 16th to the 19th century.