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Seek Sanctuary in Lluc

One of the Mallorcans’ most treasured places on the island is Santuari de Santa Maria de Lluc. Set high in the UNESCO Heritage Site, Serra de Tramuntana, it’s not only a place of religious and cultural significance but also somewhere to find peace and relaxation – and slightly cooler air in the hottest summer months.

The sanctuary was founded in the 13th century, and the monastery was built in the 16th century, which is when the famous Els Blauets – one of the world’s oldest choirs – was founded. It took its name from the choristers’ blue cassocks.


Today, both boys and girls are choristers and attend the dedicated school at Lluc. If you’re at the Santuari at 13:15h on any day, you’ll hear the choir sing the Salve Regina.


There’s a museum to visit and a cute botanical garden that’s worth seeing. The surrounding landscape is good for hiking in the cooler months. A famous annual nighttime walk from Palma takes place on the first weekend of August, with the successful walkers ending their journey at Lluc.


For a different night away, stay in one of the simple but comfortable rooms or self-catering apartments. There’s an outdoor swimming pool and, within the sanctuary, the Sa Fonda de Lluc restaurant is open every day.


The Santuari de Santa Maria de Lluc has a spectacular location in which to wake up to the beauty of Mallorca’s mountains.